Annual theme "The Present of the Future"
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (2014/15)



Occupying the Future

Frédéric Neyrat


Frédéric Neyrat


Frédéric Neyrat is Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The French philosopher has an expertise in environmental humanities, contemporary theory, and image studies and was Programme Director at the Collège International de Philosophie as well as fellow at Cornell’s Society for the Humanities. Neyrat is a member of the editorial board of the journals Multitudes, Lignes, and Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg. He has published several books, including Le communisme existentiel de Jean-Luc Nancy (Nouvelles Éditions Lignes, 2013), Atopies: Manifeste pour la philosophie (Éditions Nous, 2014) and Homo labyrinthus: humanisme, antihumanisme, posthumanisme (Dehors, 2015), that traces back the humanist roots of posthumanist theories and calls for a relational antihumanism. His latest book, La Part inconstructible de la Terre (Seuil, 2016), proposes a critique of the Anthropocene. (