DO 16.10.08 - FR 17.10.08
In a certain way the social sciences and some forms of contemporary arts have a similar intention: to analyze modern societies and cultures. They use specific methods, methodologies and techniques to explore and to signify the fundamental changes and phenomena characteristic for the world of today. Mobility, flexibility, acceleration and the rise of a globally networked society are topics for many scientists and artists as well.
In the early nineteenth century, there was a conflict that arose between the literary and scientific intellectuals of Europe, as they competed for recognition as the chief analysts of the new industrial society in which they lived. Sociology was conceived as the third major discipline, a hybrid of the scientific and literary traditions. This conference targets not to a conflict but to a new discourse on the potentials the fine arts and the social sciences have to analyze contemporary phenomena of mobility in its cultural and societal relevance.
In particular, the conference focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the new mobilities regimes as they occur in respect to border regimes and migration, the consequences of mobile work and the increasing pressure on the working force to be mobile and to travel, the new technological environments enabling people and global economies to be mobile and so forth.
Registration for the conference is open now.
Registration form
List of hotels
Preliminary program of the conference
Dr. Sven Kesselring
Dr. Gerlinde Vogl
Cosmobilities Network
Lothstr. 17
D-80335 Munich
Fon: +49.89.289 24259
Dr. Susanne Witzgall
Academy of Fine Arts
Akademiestr. 4
D-80799 Munich
fon: +49.89.3852 229