research assistant, Prof. Dr. Florian Matzner

  • Neubau | E.EG.10



E.EG.10, Akademiestr. 4



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Sabine Weingartner is an art historian and curator and has been a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Florian Matzner since January 2014. 2023 Doctorate in art history with a thesis on early Arte Povera based on the Turin exhibition initiative Deposito d'Arte Presente (1967-69); currently working on publication. From 2005 to 2010 studied art history, modern German literature and classical archaeology at the University of Augsburg and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich.


Research interests are in modern as well as contemporary art, especially in the fields of installation and sculpture, institutional critique, art market research as well as on the interdependencies between artistic production and presentation or artistic work and the public.


Between 2012-2017 curator and deputy chairperson at Kunstraum München; since then freelance curatorial projects, publications and contributions to catalogues and journals.