• Laura Klodt-Bußmann, Bokyoung Jeong | Ausstellung
  • Eröffnung 2024-05-04 18:00
  • Datum 2024-05-05
  • 2024-05-17
  • Öffnungszeiten So | 05.05.2024 | 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
  • Ort shaere | Speiseraum 0C34 | Fritz-Schäffer-Str. 9
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Might I add that having a studio did not make me feel less like a housewife, nor did it make me feel more like an architect. That reminds me of another amazing thing I read: "In philosophy, we are not, like the scientist, building a house. Nor are we even laying the foundations of a house. We are merely 'tidying up a room'."
- Frances Stark, The Architect and The Housewife


Food is served and consumed. When the plates are empty, they are taken back to the kitchen, washed, and put away. They remain in their tidy place until they are needed in the kitchen again. In these constant rounds of organizing and cleaning, there are structures that support and facilitate this permanent rotation of work cycles.

As we walk through the marble-clad corridors to Speiseraum 0C34, we notice various items: trolleys for trays, containers, and dishwashing crates, a small built-in counter located in one of the corridors' alcoves.

The former Allianz headquarters combines a heterogeneous mix of an office building and its current social interim use, such as a community kitchen. This repurposing is also reflected in the transformation of a former conference room into a space called Speiseraum 0C34. An assemblage of the existing utensils and structures of the kitchen reflects on the interplay between hard and soft power, permanent and temporary structures.

