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DOGS of LOVE is a performance and accompanying book-work by queer performance collective ONCE WE WERE ISLANDS. It investigates how the intimate connection between two people goes beyond the bounds of time and space. From the starting point of their own real-life love story, the two performers run in opposite directions through time on a journey through pasts and futures populated with real and imagined stories of queer togetherness.


What defines love as queer? / What does it mean to be a part of a queer heritage? / Do we ever really leave someone we have been in love with?


Taking in elements of performance, choreography, installation, and academic investigation, DOGS of LOVE works with (auto)biographical narrative and meticulous research to create a semi-fictional family tree of queer belonging, taking in the likes of Reinaldo Arenas, Marsha P Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Jack Bee Garland, Audre Lorde, and Samuel R. Delany.

In this presentation, they will discuss their work and queer bodies, histories and futures with Dr. Cole Collins.


More information


*The talk will be held in English.


Location: Zoom-Meeting:
Meeting-ID: 997 3057 4763
Kenncode: 852864





Zukünftige Veranstaltungen


17.06.2021 16:30 Uhr / 4.30 pm
Presentation and Talk with Tejal Shah
Ort / Location: Zoom
Language: English


Tejal Shah (*1979) is an artist, educator & cultural organizer working in different mediums like photography, installation and video. At the moment their works are shown in two exhibitions in Munich: the video installation Between the Waves at the Lenbachhaus Munich and Untitled (on violence), I AM and Waiting I & II at BBK München. If you are in Munich and haven’t seen the work yet, we would like to encourage you to go to the exhibition “Die Sonne um Mitternacht schauen” at the Lenbachhaus and “Paradise Lost #gender shift” at BBK before the talk is happening.

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24.06.2021 18:00 Uhr / 6pm
Vom Sputnikschock zum Womanhouse: Ausstellungspraxis zwischen Kunst und radikaler Pädagogik um 1970
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Isabelle Lindermann
Ort / Location: Zoom
Language: German


Der Vortrag der Kunsthistorikerin Isabelle Lindermann fragt nach den Beziehungsweisen zwischen feministischer Ausstellungspraxis und radikalen, pädagogischen Verfahren, die unterschiedliche Gemeinschaften – politische, queere oder eben künstlerische – in den post-Achtundsechzigern erproben. Ausgangspunkt dieser Untersuchungen ist das 1972 in Hollywood eröffnete Ausstellungsprojekt Womanhouse, das 27 Studentinnen, Künstlerinnen und Kunsthistorikerinnen des Feminist Art Program am California Institute of the Arts in einem kollektiven Arbeitsprozess über mehrere Monate entwickelten.


Zurzeit ist Isabelle Lindermann Fellow am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München und arbeitet im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation zum Ausstellen als künstlerische Strategie und kollektive Praxis seit den 1970er Jahren.