Born in 1977 in Fukushima, Japan. Lives and works in New York . Ei Arakawa is
based in New York since 1998. By almost always working collaboratively,Ei Arakawa's work "not only destabilizes the line between one artist and another, or between one's own name and those of others; on a more fundamental level, it disturbs the separation between director and actor, between initiator and fellow traveler."

(Simon Baier, THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT )

Selected performances and exhibitions: Whitney Biennial, New York (2014);
Carnegie International, Pittsburgh (2013); Pavilion of Georgia at the 55th International Art Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia, Venice (2013); Tate Modern, London (2012); 30th São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo (2012); The Museum of Modern Art , New York (2012); Wiels, Brussel, Belgium (2011); Kunsthalle Zürich, Switzerland (2009); Yokohama Triennale, Kanagawa (2008).


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