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During the lecture, microsillons will present examples of its practice, inside and outside art institutions, with the goal of showing different approaches to participation in artistic-pedagogical projects and different kind of relationships toward the art institutions.

Throughout the presentation, the idea of transformative gallery education will be discussed and the term “agonistic gallery education” proposed, as a way to rethink educational practices in cultural frameworks and to critically look back at some of the collective’s project for le Centre d’art contemporain Genève. The collective will also discuss its long-term action-research around Paulo Freire, which led to several projects and forms, including a collaborative piece in which almost 60 peers around the world answer to the question: To what subjects, tools or tactics should we urgently educate ourselves to reimagine the world in common?

This work aims at thinking education beyond the pre-packaged and ECTS credited contents valorized by the post-Bologna knowledge institutions. At the end of the lecture, the collective will introduce the text “The Ladder of Citizen Participation” by Sherry. R. Arnstein that will be discussed on the next day. microsillons will then propose a small exercice whose results will serve as a basis for the “workshop”’s discussion.

microsillons: Founded in 2005 in Geneva by Marianne Guarino-Huet and Olivier Desvoignes, the microsillons collective develops collaborative art projects opening a reflexion about the social role of art and calling for the use of critical and feminist pedagogies in cultural practices.

The collective collaborated with many cultural institutions, in Switzerland and internationally, including the Centre d’art Le 116 (Montreuil), VANSA (Johannesburg), WYSPA Institute (Gdansk), The Garage (Moscow), le Parc St-Léger (France) or the Centre d’art Contemporain Genève, where it was in charge of the gallery education projects between 2008 and 2010. microsillons is currently responsible of the TRANS– Socially Engaged Art Practices Master at the Geneva University of art and design (HEAD). Marianne Guarino-Huet and Olivier Desvoignes were awarded PhDs by the Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London.


The link to the online room will be announced here.


*The lecture will be held in English.
Future guests:
  • 12.02.2021, Ulrich Schötker: Komplexe Zusammenhänge – Kooperation und Dividuation