Klasse Schirin Kretschmann  |  Raum Altbau | A.O1.13  |  Visit Website


Hannah Jeong’s paintings depict a world inhabited by elves, spirits, and other fantastical beings, yet it unmistakably reflect our own reality—as if a magical parallel dimension existed, running invisibly alongside our everyday lives. But how do these worlds intersect? What connects their inhabitants? And how can we approach Jeong’s symbolism and enigmatic narratives without demystifying them through overly concrete interpretations?


The works in this exhibition can be seen as fragments of a larger, interconnected story, though their temporality doesn’t follow a conventional, linear structure. Instead, we are encouraged to think of them as moments that coexist, like fleeting memories or, more poetically, as delicate echoes from the past. The events are clearly linked to each other, but their chronology remains elusive to us. Within these scenes, human figures interact with mystical beings as if they were playmates. The creatures often observe the humans protectively, sometimes from the branches of trees. Elves appear as guardian angels or loyal companions, yet at the same time, by holding up gilded mirrors, they also serve as symbols of self-reflection.

Text: Emily Nills


Instagram: @hannahjeongpaint

  • Hannah Hyun Jeong-1Hannah Hyun Jeong-2Hannah Hyun Jeong-3Hannah Jeong-1