Publication series
The publications of the cx document the central contributions and discussions to the attendant lecture series and the research results of the academic staff at the cx as well as selected artistic work by students from the project classes in relation to the respective annual theme. They appear in both German and English versions, the latter either as e-book or in book version.
Hybride Ökologien (2019) Hybrid Ecologies (2020)
Hybrid Ecologies (2020) gathers contributions, which seek to formulate from very different perspectives a current idea of ecology or rather a contemporary ecological thought, and to discuss ecology as a contested and indistinct notion or to contextualise it in genealogical-historical terms. One of the focal points of the book lies on contemporary artistic and design approaches and their relation to media ecologies, to particular features of contemporary ecological relationality, as well as to the neo-ecological practice. The publication is the result of the fifth annual programme of the cx centre of interdisciplinary studies which has been conceived in cooperation with the Chair of Philosophy I Aesthetic Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.
Reale Magie (2017) Real Magic (2018)
The book Real Magic (2019) investigates the current realities of magic and its rediscovery in the arts, the sciences and in everyday culture. The different contributions ask for the reasons for this newly found fascination with the occult, explore Western appearances and forms of magical practices, enquire into current potentials of magical knowledge in a world largely determined by economized instrumental reason, but also into the drawbacks of occultism. The publication is the result of the fourth annual theme of the cx.
Die Gegenwart der Zukunft (2016) The Present of the Future (2017)
The book The Present of the Future (2017) investigates our present relation to the future and asks which means and strategies artists and scholars pursue today, to gain a new scope of action for shaping alternative futures. How do they create potentials for change and for the imagination of possible futures beyond modernistic idealisms and romanticist projections into remote times? The Present of the Future is the result of the third annual theme of the cx.
Fragile Identitäten (2015) Fragile Identities (2016)
In contemporary discourses we encounter more and more “fragile identities,” in artistic works as well as in scientific theories, and those are today much less referring to a critique of the concept of identity, but much rather to the relationship those concepts of identity entertain with the overall precarious state of the subject in current social conditions that are characterized by political upheaval and change. The book Fragile Identities (2016) investigates among other things the chances and also the possible endangerments of such a fragile self and asks for the resurging urgency of a contemporary concept of subjectivity. The publication is the result oft he second annual theme of the cx.
Macht des Materials/ Power of Material /
Politik der Materialität (2014) Politics of Materiality (2014/17)
The book Power of Material / Politics of Materiality (2015) deepens the current discourse in the arts and sciences on the momentum and the agency of matter, material and things and, for the time, brings materialist tendencies within the arts, design and architecture into a direct dialogue with a range of scientific approaches from a "New Materialism“ within the humanities and social sciences. This publication is the result of the first annual programme at the cx.
The programme of the cx as well as the resulting publication series is funded from resources of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the frame of the joined Federal-State Program for Better Studying Conditions and More Quality in Teaching.