Mimi Smith | Vortrag
Datum & Uhrzeit: 2021-10-27 22:00
Ort: online, https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/246572685
Datenschutz: Ergänzende Hinweise - https://www.adbk.de/de/datenschutzerklaerung.html


Mimi Smith, is a pioneer in early feminist and conceptual art, focusing on clothing sculpture and drawing installations. She began making sculpture in the form of clothing in 1965. Over the years her art has continued to examine clothing as both form and subject, as well as other mediums, including drawing and artists books. Subjects include women’s issues, the environment, time, and aging. She has exhibited extensively throughout the United States and internationally. Her many exhibits include the solo retrospective Steel Wool Politics at the ICA Philadelphia, and group shows WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution at LA MOCA, Addressing the Century, 100 Years of Art and Fashion at the Haywood Gallery, London, and The Built Environment, The Harvard Museums, Cambridge. Selected public collections include MOMA, RISD Museum, the Fogg Museum, Spencer Museum, Newark Museum, and the Getty Center.


Individual studio visits: Thursday 28th October, from 4pm, students can register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jour Fixe is a student-run lecture series and initiative from the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.

*The lecture will be held in English.


Link to the lecture

