Ivan Cheng | Vortrag
Datum & Uhrzeit: 2022-10-12 20:00
Ort: Akademie der Bildenden Künste München | Akademiestr. 2
Raum: Achtung, geänderter Raum: Altbau | Historische Aula


---- neuer Raum: Historische Aula im Altbau ----


Ivan Cheng's recent works are context-specific situations, dealing with language and driven by relations with collaborators and hosts. His background as a performer and musician form the basis for using performance as a critical medium. Invested in questions around publics and accessibility, he produces films, objects, paintings, and publications as anchors for the staging of complex and precarious spectacles. He has initiated project space bologna.cc in Amsterdam since 2017.


*The lecture and studio visits will be held in English.


Individual studio visits: Thursday 13th October, students can register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

