Lehrveranstaltungen Article Count: 1
Archiv cx ab 2021 Article Count: 0
Archiv cx 2011 bis 2021 Article Count: 0
cx-mediathek Article Count: 53
Publikationen cx Article Count: 1
Project finished on 31.03.2021.
Every year, the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies offers classes and interdisciplinary courses in theory and practical project work on a different topic. These offers are available to all AdBK students. In addition to the main work done by the classes and in the degree programmes, the annual topic is oriented primarily around current artistic, scientific and social discourses. The goal of this interdisciplinary study programme is to integrate theoretical and practical teaching to a greater degree and to promote professional exchange between the academy’s different degree programmes. In addition, through the development of an external network with other universities and their multidisciplinary forums, the cx aims at internationalizing the academy and at improving the exchange of experience and knowledge in interdisciplinary teaching and research to a yet greater degree.
The programme offers students access to other areas of knowledge, techniques and methods, and complements their artistic training with advanced theoretical and interdisciplinary teaching. Lastly, by strengthening graduates’ interdisciplinary expertise, the programme is meant to provide them with new post-graduate study opportunities and open up additional professional fields.
The programme consists essentially of three closely coordinated study units.
1. Interdisciplinary lecture series
The programme lasts one academic year. From 2012 on, it has always begun in the winter semester with a lecture series and/or a symposium to which external scientists and artists have presented work and research results related to the year’s topic. These specialists come from many areas that are not represented at the academy, including the social and natural sciences, writing, music, theatre direction etc. As part of this programme, the academy cooperates with other Munich universities.
2. Degree programmes and interdisciplinary projects
In the summer semester following the interdisciplinary lecture series, an internationally renowned guest professor offers practical project work on the annual topic. His/her temporary project class is open to students in all study programmes. A different guest professor is invited annually and comes from the fields of fine arts, film, music, literature, architecture or design. In addition, professors from each of the academy’s five degree programmes can participate in the interdisciplinary study programme by offering an appropriate course. In the framework of the project, artistic practice is considered to be a research method as well as an independent form of knowledge production.
3. Theoretical seminars
Theoretical seminars accompany the lecture series and project work. Their aim is to shed light on the annual topic and its art-, media- or architecture-theoretical basis, and to reflect on approaches and methods of the different areas and disciplines of specialization. Intersections and flow of information between art as a functional system and other social systems are explored, similarities and differences between the artistic and scientific approaches revealed and the characteristics of "artistic research" analysed.