Prof. Ursula Rogg |
Prof. Tanja Widmann |
Maria Justus |
Student assistant: Rebecca Ruchti
The central task of the Women's Representatives is the equality of women and men, and the strengthening of diversity in the university political committees as well as in all areas of teaching and administration of the Academy. Students who feel discriminated against on the basis of origin, class, gender, identity, age or sexual desire can contact the women’s representatives at all times. In accordance with the Bavarian Higher Education Act and the self-obligatory Guideline of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence (here), the Women's Representatives advise and support students and staff in cases of sexual and verbal discrimination and violence against all genders at the Academy. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the compatibility of family and studies. The Munich Student Union also offers concrete information here: Studentenwerk München | Studying with a child
Office Hours:
The Women's Representatives offer an online consultation hour even during the Corona pandemic, by prior arrangement by e-mail. As soon as the Academy reopens for students, we will try to resume the weekly open consultation hours. Those seeking advice and help can contact one of the Women's Representatives by e-mail at any time.
Further measures to intensify and expand the work of the women's representatives and to better incorporate it into the daily life of the Academy:
The women’s representatives have been announcing a teaching assignment once a year since the summer semester 2020. The current call for applications for the summer semester 2023 can be found here.
Once a year, each January, a funding scholarship is announced in accordance with the Program for the Realization of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching allocated by the state of Bavaria (“Programm zur Realisierung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre“). More detailed information can be found here.
Furthermore, at irregular intervals, the women's representatives will organize a lecture series titled "Feminisms in Art and Theory", which combines relevant positions from practice and theory and features lectures, workshops, practical exercises, film screenings, etc. For more information, see Events.
A handbook has been set up in the library; it collects relevant literature and important new publications made available to students and teachers. The literature list can be found here.
Another concern of the women's representatives is the implementation of gender-sensitive language at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, both in official letters, announcements, publications, flyers, posters, etc., as well as in teaching. To this end, the Academy adopts the notation with an asterisk (*).
Further information:
The office of the women's representative at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich has been in place since 1989. For more information, see the publication by the women's representative’s office and the archive:
Erste Frauen in der Lehre. Akademie der Bildenden Künste München/ Kunstgewerbeschule München. Zur Entwicklung des Frauenanteils in der Lehre 1808-2014 (First Women in Teaching. Academy of Fine Arts Munich/ School of Applied Arts Munich. On the development of female representation in teaching 1808-2014)