Politics of Emotion/Power of Affect 2017/18


Room A.EG.15 (historische Aula), Akademiestr. 2
and Kammerspiele, Kammer 3, Hildegardstraße 1 (Panel „Affektive Atmosphären“)
or Kammer 1, Maximilianstraße 26-28 (Panel „Wut und (Ohn)Macht“)
Time Tuesday, 19.00 h, except for the first two events on 02.11. and 09.11. (Thursday) and the last panel on 02.02.2018 (Friday)
02.11.2017: In the Beginning there was Emotion
Antonio Damasio
09.11.2017: Emotional Terrains of the Social
Deborah Gould
21.11.2017: Media-mobilised Affect
Marie-Luise Angerer, Cécile B. Evans
28.11.2017: Structure of Emotion
Keren Cytter
05.12.2017: Affective Atmospheres
Ben Anderson, Jace Clayton
12.12.2017: Politics of Fear
Serhat Karakayalı, Yael Ronen
09.01.2018: Empathy and Justice 
Susanna Hertrich, Carolyn Pedwell
02.02.2018: Rage and Power(lessness)
Eva Illouz, Milo Rau

The panels "Affective Atmospheres", "Politics of Fear" and "Rage and Power(lessness)" take place in cooperation with the Münchner Kammerspiele (Christoph Gurk).