Courses of Study
Fine Arts
Sculputure, Scenography and Stage Costume Design, Photography, Glass, Jewellery and Hollowware, Graphics, Ceramics, Painting, Media Art
Art Education (Erstes Staatsexamen)
Sculpture, Graphics, Painting, New Media
Interior Design (BA)
Open Space Architecture, Product Design, Interior Architecture


Postgraduate Studies
Architecture and Arts (MA)
Fine Arts and Therapy (MA)
Interior Architecture (MA)


Supplemental Programmes of Study
Art History, Art Education, Philosophy
cx centre for interdisciplinary studies
Approximately 142,000 volumes, over 1700 audio-visual media and 100 current periodicals are available to current AdBK students and teaching staff at the in-house reference library.
Casting, Computer-aided three-dimensional shaping, Photography, Plaster and Stucco, Glass, Glasspainting and Mosaic, Jewellery and Hollowware, Wood, Ceramics, Plastics, Lithography, Technique of Painting, Metal, New Media, Media Education, Paper und Recycling, Intaglio Printmaking, Screen Printing, Stone, Typography and Letterpress