Project class of artist Nairy Baghramian
Annual theme "Power of Material/Politics of Materiality"
Summer term 2012/13


Nairy Baghramians countless international exhibitions include solo shows at MIT List Visual Arts Centre in Cambridge (Mass.), Sculpture Center New York, Vancouver Art Gallery, Serpentine Gallery in London (together with Phyllida Barlow), Kunsthalle Basel, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Kunstverein Aachen, and Kunstverein Nürnberg. Her work has been featured in several major international exhibitions including Sculpture Projects Münster (2007), the Berlin Biennial (2008), the 54th Venice Biennial (2011), the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art (2011) and Temporary Stedelijk 2, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2011). Baghramian was awarded the 2012 Hector Kunstpreis, which included an artist publication and an exhibition at the Kunsthalle Mannheim. Upcoming exhibitions in 2014 will take place at The Art Institute of Chicago, Serralves Museum, Porto and Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach.