Portfolio – customs
Please send your application well in time and calculate possible examination through customs. Check requirements before and make sure your parcel meets the specifications! Absolutely no costs whatsoever will be covered by the Academy of Fine Art Munich, e.g. resulting from customs/ transport/ distribution or any other import charges.
Foreign certificates and language skills
If you did not obtain your higher education entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad, you must go through the same multi-stage admission procedure as all applicants. A description of the procedure and the application requirements can be found under the link Application. Submission requirements for an application are detailed on our application checklist.

How should foreign certificates be submitted?
Certified copy of a general or subject related university entrance qualification in the original language (may consist of multiple components and include a university admissions examination)
Certified translation of the university entrance qualification (certificates in English do not require translation)
Certified copies of all university certificates, degree certificates and, if available, diploma supplements in the original language and in certified translation (certificates in English do not require translation)
Please note that for an official application, all translations must be done by an official translator that is accredited by the German Foreign Office.
For students from China and Mongolia: please be aware for APS-Certificate.  

Who must submit a language certificate?
German is the language of instruction in all programs at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.

If you wish to enroll in Art Education (First State Exam) or Interior Design (BA and MA), you must demonstrate German language abilities with a level that corresponds to level four (B2) on the six-level scale of competence stated in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
If you wish to enroll in Fine Arts you must submit a language certificate of Level B1 on the six-level-scale of competence laid down in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages till the beginning of semester. If you have a Level A2 language certificate the application is possible under the condition that Level B1 will be proven with one year. Otherwise an immediate exmatriculation will follow.
Recognition of foreign certificates and diplomas
Your graduating certificate may or may not automatically qualify you to begin a degree course at a German university. The recognition of foreign certificates and diplomas is done by the Admissions Office of the academy as part of the admission procedure. The Admissions Office reserves the right to require a recognition notification from the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern (ZASt) in individual cases, without being required to state reasons.

Effective (September, 2018).

To apply to the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich (AdBK), all applicants must submit a portfolio of their own works by the submission deadline. Applicants who pass the portfolio selection process will then be invited to a practical and an oral examination. Please find detailed application requirements on our application checklist.

The classes are in German. Please find detailed language requirements on our application checklist.

Meetings with various professors well in advance of the portfolio submission deadline have proven to be beneficial (appointments can be made via the classes).

Students are accepted for a probationary period of two semesters. Subsequently, they must take a probationary examination.

Fine Arts:

The diploma is an academic degree with a specialisation in fine arts.

Programs with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS):
Bachelor´s degree programs in Interior Design and Art Pedagogy (Degree: Government Exam for art teachers of high school education). In addition to fulfilling general admission requirements, prospective students must hold general or subject-related higher education entrance qualifications (e.g. a college/university entrance certificate).
Master´s degree programs: Interior Architecture, Art and Architecture and Art Pedagogy. In addition to fulfilling general admission requirements, prospective students must hold evidence of the qualification for a master’s degree entrance (bachelor’s degree with at least 180 ECTS).