Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Seminare „Einführung in die Digitale Ästhetik“ (Maria Muhle, Lehrstuhl für Philosophie | Ästhetische Theorie) und „Under Construction. Netzkunst nach dem Web 2.0“ (Volker Möllenhoff, Neue Medien)


Dienstag, 7.6. 18h00 Vortrag: „Online since 1996“

In her talk Russian net artist Olia Lialina will present the emergence of net art as a genre and its decades long fight for its own identity inside media art and contemporary art scenes, offline/online tention, net.art and post internet.  On the example of her own works she will show what does it mean for an art project to stay online for 20 years and what could be the ways to preserve and restore artefacts of recent digital past.

Mittwoch, 8.6. 10h00–12h00 Workshop

Olia Lialina, Dragan Espenschied, „Do you believe in Users? Turing Complete User“, in: Lauren Cornell, Ed Halters (Hg.), Mass Effect. Art and the Internet in the Twentyfirst Century, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2015, S. 1–14, https://www.dropbox.com/s/iln364zgmjwlinb/07_Olia%20Lialina_Do%20you%20beliefe%20in%20Users%3F.pdf?dl=0

Olia Lialina, "Not Art&Tech. On the role of Media Theory at Universities of Applied Art, Technology and Art and Technology", http://contemporary-home-computing.org/art-and-tech/not/

Olia Lialina

Born in Moscow.
Net Artist, one of net.art pioneers.
Writes on New Media, Digital Folklore and Vernacular Web. Co-founder of Geocities Research Institute
Professor at Merz Akademie, (New Media Pathway), Stuttgart
Animated Gif Model. Mother of three*. @GIFmodel

olia at profolia.org