A gathering of the academy in-between
Datum: Do | 03.10.2019
Di | 08.10.2019
Ort: PAF – Performing Arts Forum, 15 rue Haute, 02820 St. Erme-Outre-et-Ramecourt (F)
Yala Juchmann, "Horizontal Lines", b/w-slides, 2015


Though the term dissolving suggests (and it can be used in that way) a kind of disappearance, first and foremost a dissolution is a material transformation. The solid can become liquid and vice versa, a substance can be dissolved in a solvent – neither chemists nor alchemists would understand this as a loss. But of course, matter has a much broader meaning. If »[a]ll that is solid melts into air«, as the often-quoted Marx sentence states, that might not violate the first law of thermodynamics, but the bases of the social, political and economic grounds we are standing on. They were shaking in times of the first wave of industrialization, and they do now.


Initiated by Nisaar Ulama. For booking (mandatory) and other questions write to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.



Schedule for lectures and activities will be decided on-site. Besides collective practices, input will be given by:

  • Dana Bönisch
    Topologies & entanglements: On physics, narrative, flashy metaphors and the ethico-political
  • Yala Juchmann
    Horizontal Abyss — reading Irigaray and Nietzsche lecture performance
    SPACE BETWEEN (Imagination and Expression) presentation
  • Daniela Stöppel
    Some inserts on the history of art becoming life
  • Nisaar Ulama
    On Dissolving

Readings include:

  • Karen Barad: »Diffractions: Differences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter«, in: Meeting the universe halfway. Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning, Durham & London 2007
  • Lucy Irigaray, Marine lover of Friedrich Nietzsche, New York & Oxford 1991
  • Jean François Lyotard, »Les Immatériaux«, in: Thinking about exhibitions, eds. R. Greenberg / B.W. Ferguson / S. Nairne, London & New York 1996